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Reader Danijel Kevesevic, PhD

AdvDipLdshp&Mgt (DeptEd), BThHons, PhD(Flind)

Lecturer: Old Testament




Danijel was born in Sarajevo, Bosnia and lived in Kosovo for five years until arriving to Australia as a refugee in 1998.


He graduated from Flinders University with a Bachelor of Theology (Honours 1 Class).

Encouraged and supported by his lecturers, Danijel continued to work on his PhD thesis for eight years as a part-time student. Danijel completed his thesis in 2016, focusing on the radical theology found in the first chapter of the Book of Ezekiel.

While completing his thesis, Danijel worked for the Department for Education - Registered Training Organization (RTO) on developing and delivering nationally recognized Certificate IV and Diploma level qualifications focusing on areas of Child Protection and Leadership and Management.  


He is passionate about sharing his knowledge and exploring the theology found in the Old Testament with adult learners. Danijel’s mission is to challenge the view that the Old Testament is no longer relevant and to discuss how the theological messages found in the Old Testament applied to the original audience and how they apply to us as the Orthodox Christians today.







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