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Below are instructions on how to reference various articles including those from academic journals.


1st Footnote


Note number. First Author’s Full Name and Full Name of Additional Author(s) (up to 3 authors. Any more use et al. after first author),"Article Title: Article Subtitle," Journal Title Volume(Issue Number) (Year of Publication): Page Numbers, at Numbers Being Cited.




1. Anders Klostergaard Peterson, "Shedding New Light on Paul's Understanding of Baptism: A Ritual-Theological Approach to Romans 6," Studia Theologica 52(1) (1998): 101–117, at 113–16.

2. J. Edward Walters, “The Philoxenian Gospels as Reconstructed from the Writings of Philoxenos of Mabbug,” Hugoye 13 (2010): 177–249, at 221.



Subsequent Footnotes

Note number. Author’s Surname and Surname of Additional Authors (up to 3 authors. Any more use et al. after first author), "Shortened Article Title," Page or Pages.



1. Peterson, "Shedding New Light," 104.

2. Walters, “The Philoxenian Gospels," 180–89.




Author’s Surname, Author’s Given Name, and Full Name of Additional Author(s), "Article Title: Article Subtitle," Journal Title Volume(Issue Number) (Year of Publication): Page Numbers. 



Example Bibliography


Peterson, Anders Klostergaard, "Shedding New Light on Paul's Understanding of Baptism: A Ritual-Theological Approach to Romans 6," Studia Theologica 52(1) (1998): 101–117.


Walters, J. Edward, “The Philoxenian Gospels as Reconstructed from the Writings of Philoxenos of Mabbug,” Hugoye 13 (2010): 177–249.




Please note, that if the article is also available in print form you can reference it as a print article. 


Also, please do not use Kindle location references. Page numbers from the original document are required. You can change Kindle settings to show page numbers.


Many e-journals do not have fixed page numbers. When this is the case, use other locaters such as a chapter number or a section heading instead.


References to e-resources include either a URL or a Digital Object Identifier (DOI). If allocated, DOI's are the preferred electronic resource identifier.

1st Footnote


Note number. First Author’s Full Name and Full Name of Additional Author(s) (up to 3 authors. Any more use et al. after first author), "Article Title: Article Subtitle," Journal Title Volume(Issue Number) (Year of Publication): Page Numbers, at Numbers Being Cited, DOI or URL (Date accessed day/month/year).




1. Brad East, "Is Scripture a Gift? Reflections on the Divine-Ecclesial Provision of the Canon," Religions 13(10), 961 (2022), (accessed 13/10/2022).

2. Lindsey Marie Ross, “Genesis 9: 20–21: Noah’s Legacy of the Vine,” Denison Journal of Religion 3, Article 6 (2003), (accessed 01/09/2018).



Subsequent Footnotes

Note number. Author’s Surname and Surname of Additional Authors (up to 3 authors. Any more use et al. after first author), "Shortened Article Title."




1. East, "Is Scripture a Gift?" 

2. Ross, "Genesis 9: 20–21."




Author’s Surname, Author’s Given Name, and Full Name of Additional Author(s), "Article Title: Article Subtitle," Journal Title Volume(Issue Number) (Year of Publication): Page Numbers, DOI or URL (Date accessed day/month/year).  


Example Bibliography


East, Brad, "Is Scripture a Gift? Reflections on the Divine-Ecclesial Provision of the Canon," Religions 13(10), 961 (2022), (accessed 13/10/2022).


Ross, Lindsey Marie, “Genesis 9: 20–21: Noah’s Legacy of the Vine,” Denison Journal of Religion 3, Article 6 (2003), (accessed 01/09/2018).


Print journal


1st Footnote


Note number. Reviewer’s Full Name, review of Title of Book Being Reviewed by Author(s) of book, Journal Title Volume(Issue Number) (Year of Publication): Page Numbers, at Numbers Being Cited.




1. Perry Hamalis, review of The Fellowship of Life: Virtue Ethics and Orthodox Christianity by Joseph Woodill, Journal of Religion 80(1) (2000): 158-159, at 158.​


Subsequent Footnotes
Note number. reviewer’s Surname, review of Shortened Book Title by Surname of Book Author(s), Page or Pages.

1. Hamalis, review of The Fellowship of Life by Woodill, 158.

Reviewer’s Surname, Reviewer’s Given Name(s), review of Title of Book Being Reviewed by Author(s) of book, Journal Title Volume(Issue Number) (Year of Publication): Page Numbers. 
Example Bibliography

Hamalis, Perry, review of The Fellowship of Life: Virtue Ethics and Orthodox Christianity by Joseph Woodill, Journal of Religion 80(1) (2000): 158
Book review


1st Footnote


Note number. First Author’s Full Name and Full Name of Additional Author(s) (up to 3 authors. Any more use et al. after first author), "Headline/Article Title," Name of the Newspaper or Magazine Volume(Issue Number)(Day Month Year): Page Numbers, at Numbers Being Cited, URL if applicable (Date accessed day/month/year).




1. Caitlin Fitzsimmons, "Sydney is Losing its Religion, Says the Census," Sydney Morning Herald (10 July 2022): 30.

2. J. Steven O'Malley, “Recovering "True Christianity": Pietism Stood at the Forefront of Renewal in the Seventeeth and Eighteenth Centuries,” Christian History (151)(2024): 14–16, at 15, (accessed 23/12/2024).



Subsequent Footnotes

Note number. Author’s Surname and Surname of Additional Authors (up to 3 authors. Any more use et al. after first author), "Shortened Article Title," Page or Pages.



1. Fitzsimmons, "Sydney is Losing its Religion," 30.

2. O'Malley, “Recovering "True Christianity"," 15–16.




Author’s Surname, Author’s Given Name, and Full Name of Additional Author(s), "Headline/Article Title," Name of the Newspaper or Magazine Volume(Issue Number)(Day Month Year): Page Numbers, URL if applicable (Date accessed day/month/year).


Example Bibliography


Fitzsimmons, Caitlin, "Sydney is Losing its Religion, Says the Census," Sydney Morning Herald (10 July 2022): 30.


O'Malley, J. Steven, “Recovering "True Christianity": Pietism Stood at the Forefront of Renewal in the Seventeeth and Eighteenth Centuries,” Christian History (151)(2024): 14–16, (accessed 23/12/2024).


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